Funeral Consumers Alliance of Los Angeles
(FCALA) Membership Application
There is a one-time membership fee of $50 per adult. Memberships may be transferred from or to another alliance, some without charge. Membership does not become effective until a membership application has been received and processed by FCALA. Please keep a copy for your records and give copies to those who will help facilitate your funeral.
Membership benefits include:
Access to people who are committed to helping others, like yourself, learn their rights as a consumer so as to avoid being taken advantage of by self-serving individuals in the funeral industry.
Unbiased information to plan a meaningful, dignified, and affordable funeral.
Satisfaction knowing you are supporting a worthwhile cause to benefit yourself, your loved ones, in addition to helping others in your community.
Discounts at some of the funeral homes/mortuaries.
Your membership in the FCALA could save you thousands of dollars on unnecessary funeral costs while helping protect the consumer’s last rights in our area. Because we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we are able to accept contributions and/or donations on a tax-deductible basis. Consult your tax advisor to confirm deductibility.
Donate: We accept donations in any amount you are comfortable with.
Become a Member: To become a Member of the FCA of Los Angeles, we suggest a minimum donation of $50 per adult.
Thank you for joining the organization and for your support!
Supporting Membership Fee and/or Donations by check should be sent to:
FCA of Los Angeles
P.O. Box 122
Cressey, CA 95312
Be sure to make your check payable to "FCA of CA" for the appropriate amount. Be sure to Memo "FCALA New Member" on your check. Also, be sure to include your membership application, one per person. Send your check and application(s) to our address shown above.
Very Important! Memberships begin when your application and your check have been received and processed.