FCA Stanislaus/Merced Counties
We are not a funeral home, sell insurance or prepaid burial plans, nor do we provide contributions for funerals. We do provide education and advocacy services including funeral pre-planning, consumer funeral rights, burial laws and regulations and other helpful information. While it is not our intent to discourage the services of other local providers, our FCA has negotiated discounted prices at a local, long trusted establishment that are well below what non members pay. In making this determination, the Board regularly compares the costs of services provided by area mortuaries, based on the General Price List (GPL) which they are required to provide upon request, including the costs of basic services for direct cremating and immediate burial. Click here to view The Stanislaus/Merced Alliance’s most recent survey. Cemetery costs, tombstones, etc. are additional and are the member’s responsibility.
What if my death occurs outside of Stanislaus or Merced Counties?
If a member’s death occurs outside Stanislaus or Merced Counties, family members are entitled to contact the national Funeral Consumer Alliance (1-802-865-8300, or click here to find the nearest FCA. The local affiliate will help your family members secure funeral services at prices similar to those offered locally. The FCA of Stanislaus/Merced Counties is committed to providing the same service for a member of another affiliate who dies while in this area, just as if he/she was one of our local members.
How do I join the FCASMC?
To join, just click here to download your application. Simply complete and return a membership application, and a one time, nonrefundable check for $35 for each adult ($10 for children under 18). Please make the check payable to FCA of Stanislaus/Merced. Because of our 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, membership fees are tax deductible. Memberships will not begin until your application and check have been received and processed; one of volunteers will confirm your membership, and sent your receipt for tax purposes. Your completed application and instruction sheet will ensure that important decisions will have been made in advance with our contracted funeral home should you choose to use their services No further fees or assessments are required, although your tax deductible contributions to the local FCA are always welcome.
Click here for a helpful hint on making sure your planning documents are current.
Anything else?
Note that portions of your membership application provide advanced instructions about how you would like your funeral to be conducted. By making these plans now, you may avoid causing family members undue stress of deciding “how you would have liked things done.“ By putting your wishes in writing, your family members will be aware of what arrangements you desire.
Still have questions?
Call our local FCA Stanislaus/Merced County office at (209) 521-7690 and leave us a message if you aren't able to answer your call. One of our volunteers will return your call as soon as possible.
More information on the National Funeral Consumer Alliance click here.
We look forward to being of service to you and your family.